Sunday 27 December 2015

Rehabilitation after labral tear


The labrum surgery is getting very common now a days and is performed after advanced research. Among the last few years arthroscopy of the joints is getting very advanced and the diagnosis as well as the treatment methods are changed and are well satisfactory among the patients.


Patients with labral tears often do complain about the pain. When the patient complains about the symptoms suffering from the hip pain he or she is considered a best candidate for arthroscopy of the hip joint. However the rehabilitation procedure is also taken into account after the arthroscopy.   


MOI stands for mechanisms for injury which involves repetitive cutting, twisting and also the movements to repetitive flexion at the hip or the other joints. Patients having injury or history of associated pain will explain with insidious complaints of groin pain and indications like bolting and giving away.
Surgical involvement 

Labrum surgery performed with arthroscopic techniques for treating the hip pain are becoming very common in adults as well as in children. Be alert, with the conditions such as fractures, acetabular dysplasia impingement, femoral acetabular,degenerative conditions of the joint, or non-compliance with the recovery program may avert the surgical involvement. After the complete examination of the joint if any labral abnormality is addressed then the degeneration of osteoarthritis of the hip joint. 

If the surgery is successful and the pain is relieved then the further surgery will lead to joint alteration and the progression of articular cartilage changes. Alterations to the arrangement of the labrum, or trouble in the acetabular labral junction, may cause to the injury of the forced fluid film layer present in the joint. 

Rehabilitation process

After the arthroscopy of the acetabular labrum now many new surgical procedures have been introduced in medical field and also constantly evolving. The responsibility of the physical therapist is to keep himself up to date with the new exercises. It is for you to develop good communication as well as to establish and maintain the relation with orthopedic surgeon.

The location of the tear must be kept in mind and must be told to the physical therapist so he/she could tell the exact exercises for the labral tear. However it is to keep in mind that exercises and some of the strengthening methods can be delayed depending upon the healing of the tissue. 

Doctor and health professionals will prescribe a good and healthy timelines entirely based on clinical findings of active and healthy individuals. Carful steps, exercises and the frequent assessment checks must be continued so that there should be no loss of mobility and flexibility of the muscle.

Hymen Surgery is a Labrum Surgery?

Labrum surgery 

The Labrum Surgery consists of labrum which is a rim of soft tissue. This surgery adds stability to the muscle by making the socket deep and protects the joint surface. The labrum surgery is performed by the surgeon only if the injury caused is deep and cannot be repaired by physical therapy and exercises. 

Hymen repair

The hymen is also a layer of tissue and hymen repair refers to the restoration of that tissue which surrounds the vaginal opening. However some hymens are so elastic that they break after the 5 or 6th intercourse. This term is also referred as hymenoplasty.

Hymen surgery is only confined to virginal procedure however both surgeries deal with the repairmen of tissue. The best time advised by the doctor for hymen surgery is after your periods and this surgery should be performed under general anesthesia.

The procedure performed under general anesthesia is bit expensive then the local anesthesia.  This repair is safe and many women also families look for this solution.

Risks involving 

The hymenoplasty procedure is very safe but still carry some risks and side effects. However it is known that every surgery carries a small risk for infection as well as prolonged bleeding. The common risk is by taking anesthesia.

As far as the surgeries being performed, no complications have seen or observed. Some of the surgeons have reported the problem of stricture where the opening becomes thin and in the result the act of intercourse becomes difficult.

Confusion between Labrum Surgery and Hymenoplasty

Many people confuse labrum and hymen surgery just because both deals with the repairing of tissue. It is known that hymenoplasty deals only with women clients while the labrum surgery deals with every tear of the muscle labrum.

Labrum surgery is very painful and takes long term to get stabilize. It also involves multiple exercises and long term physical movements to keep the muscle into motion. Sometimes you also have to go through with multiple surgeries if the output of the first surgery is not satisfactory. Labrum surgery is not only performed when the tissue is torn but also when the muscle is dislocated when you experience jerks or any heavy weight is lifted or pulled.

Types of labrum injuries 

Types of labrum injury involves traumatic event and chronic strains. Chronic strains are due the repetitive movement of muscle or if the muscle is over worked while the traumatic injuries deals with the accident or any incident which makes the muscle dislocated or torn out.

Shoulder Labrum Tear

Anatomy of Shoulder 

  • The shoulder joint consists of three bones
  • The shoulder blade known as scapula
  • The collarbone known as clavicle
  • Upper arm bone known as humerus

The humerus head rests in a shallow type pocket in the scapula known as glenoid. The upper arm bone is large in size as compared to the scapula. The soft tissue in the labrum helps to keep the joint stable and also plays its parts to keep the muscles intact.

Risks for injury 

The major causes for injury of the labrum tissue will be the continuous motion of shoulder or any injury from trauma.

  • Injury may be occur because of falling on an outstretched arm
  • A blow the shoulder
  • A sudden pull or an attempt to lift a heavy object
  • A sudden violent reach trying to stop something heavy

Many athletes and heavy weight lifters have to go through this pain and may experience labrum tears.

Injury diagnosis               

When you experience a shoulder pain doctor will examine you after looking to your history checkups or the tests that will a doctor take. During the test session you may experience that the pain is increased because doctor also have to go through some physical tests to check the pain, stability and the motion of shoulder. After checking the doctor may advise you to go through the Labrum Surgery or advise you to go through physical therapy.


During the Labrum surgery the doctor will examine the rim and the biceps tissue, however if the injury is not very much deep or is only confined to the rim only then the shoulder can be made stable. The surgeon will do its best to remove the torn flap and also look after all the associated problems. If the injury extend to biceps muscle part then the shoulder will be in unstable state and the surgeon will have to repair and detach the muscle using wires.


After the Labrum surgery you have to keep the shoulder in a hang for a month. The doctor will also advise you to perform slightly or easy motion exercise when the hang will be removed. You will surely have to perform all the prescribed motion and flexibility exercises by the doctor in order to strengthen the biceps. Sports people or the athletes continue their exercises after the 6 weeks of surgery to make the shoulder fully stable.

For more information on shoulder related injuries, visit